Dos and Don’ts of Communication about Sustainable Fashion in the Store

How can clothing stores lead consumers to make a sustainable choice? More demand for sustainable fashion can stimulate producers to invest more in sustainable production. CREM and some fashion companies went looking for answers.

In assignment from the Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment, they researched communication strategies for conveying the sustainable aspects of clothing in the store.

Do’s and don’ts

The research showed that the interest of the consumer varies per target group. Some dos and don’ts regarding in store communication:

  • Keep communication about sustainability in the stores as simple and positive as possible
  • Consumers don’t like having their feelings obviously played with through, for example, showing pictures of clothing workers
  • The use of multiple logos from certification programs on articles of clothing is often confusing
  • Images that cause a positive feeling, in combination with a short description lead to the best performance

How the consumer feels

In general, consumers expect to find sustainable fashion more at international clothing companies and small specialist clothing stores. The number of people with a sustainable lifestyle is growing. In order to do business in this area, large, medium-sized and small companies alike need to know how the consumer feels about sustainability and what form of communication works best.

Download: Sustainable Consumer Behaviour Fashion (only in Dutch)
More info: Wijnand Broer