Interactive Guide on Natural Capital & Financial Institutions

VBDO (The Dutch Association of Investors for Sustainable Development) and CREM present a unique interactive guide and self-assessment tool on natural capital for financial institutions.
The guide provides practical guidance to financial institutions that wish to take their interactions with natural capital into account in their investment management. For example, how natural capital can be translated to responsible investment strategies such as exclusion, active ownership, ESG-integration (Environmental, Social and Governance) or impact investing. Also, guidance is provided on how financial institutions can be transparent in their actions and impact regarding natural capital.
The self-assessment tool is an easy-to-use guide for financial institutions to see where they can improve regarding natural capital and also, to look up which sections of the guide are of special interest.
Natural Capital?
Governments, companies and financial institutions are increasingly using the term natural capital to describe the goods and services provided by nature on which society and industry rely. Examples are natural resources such as timber and clean water. These goods and services are vital to the economic system and material for financial institutions.
Invitation to self assess
Financial institutions are invited to return their filled out self-assessment before March 20, 2016. All the financial institutions that send back their score will then in return receive the aggregated average scores of their peers and gain a chance to win free consultancy advice provided by CREM.
Target group of the guide & self-assessment tool
The primary target groups of this guide are sustainability officers, environmental and sustainability specialists, and risk departments at financial institutions. As they wish to explore the business case and opportunities of integrating natural capital into their organization’s policies and responsible investment decisions.
Download the interactive Natural Capital Guide.
Download de self-assessment tool
The guide and self-assessment tool have been made possible by support of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs.
More info: Wijnand Broer