Many sustainability themes – such as conserving biodiversity, sustainable supply chain management, sustainable use of natural resources, human rights and poverty alleviation – are abstract. Interesting challenges to be sure, but how do we make these kinds of topics measurable and practically manageable? CREM is specialized in translating theory to practice by taking complex themes and rearranging them into logical building blocks and operational perspectives. In this way, sustainability is translated into implementable and appealing steps that everyone can understand. For instance, we work on:

  • The development of practical assessment frameworks to assess project proposals and business policies for sustainability.
  • The development of criteria for sustainable products or services, for example for certification organizations and the government (socially responsible and green procurement).
  • The development and application of tools that help businesses understand their impacts and their dependencies on natural capital and human rights.

We work not only with our client, but also with other possible stakeholders in order to create the desired level of stakeholder support. After all, a compromise must often be found between scientific completeness, financial feasibility and the practical applicability of methods and criteria.


1. Interactive Guide on Natural Capital & Financial Institutions
2. Scan your impact on Natural Capital
3. Overtime in Africa Floriculture
4. Sustainable Hospitality Now More Visible