Advice on climate and environmental policy Plan International-Netherlands

Plan International is a development cooperation organization, supporting children (especially girls and young women) in more than 75 countries. Climate change and other forms of environmental degradation have a large impact on women and children (especially girls). On the one hand they are often disproportionately affected by increased poverty, reduced access to natural resources, education and decent work and socio-economic dynamics in their communities. Climate change and environmental degradation sometimes lead to increased migration from degraded areas and women and children are the most vulnerable within those migrant groups. In addition, influx of migrants from elsewhere may also have a major impact on women and children that are already present in the area where migrants are going to. On the other hand, efforts to address impacts of climate change and other forms of environmental degradation may also offer opportunities for women and youth (e.g. green jobs, role models).
Plan International has developed a Global Environmental Policy (2022-2025), addressing these challenges. Plan International Netherlands (NL) has asked CREM to translate this global policy for Plan International NL, make it operational, and integrate it in the Strategic Plan (2021-2025).
In the first place we focused on the organisation’s internal operations and gave both strategic and practical recommendations regarding energy use, international business travel, commuting, domestic travel, data-storage, procurement, banking and insurance services, paper use and waste management. Within these areas, the climate impact of international business travel is dominant and should therefore be addressed with priority. In general, paying attention to such internal operations, is particularly important for internal and external credibility (practice what you preach!) and because it is increasingly a requirement imposed by donors.
In the second place we considered environmental and climate issues at the level of Plan International NL’s projects and programmes. In this area Plan International NL can make a substantial impact, particularly at local level. Strategic and operational recommendations are related to the following pillars:
- Addressing potential negative environmental impacts of new project/programmes
- Addressing potential negative environmental impacts of existing projects/programmes
- Enhancing the environmental relevance of new projects/programmes
- Strengthening collaboration with the private sector, possibly together with an environmental NGO
For all proposed activities a SMART Action Plan with clear priorities has been developed
More information: Victor de Lange